Tempwall 60
The Tempwall 60 is a temperature separation bulkhead, made with a reinforced closed cell insulating core, wrapped in a strong outer skin of PVC. These panels have a thickness of 60 mm and an insulation value of 0,53W/m2.K which is the highest in this product segment. It is lightweight and easy to handle and can be used as a sliding partition or a bi-folding or triple folding load divider.
Serco introduces Loadlokâs range of cargo securing accessories for bakkies and light delivery vehicles to serve the growing trend for home deliveries of parcels and mobile workshops. Fittings include an aluminium rail with a variety of straps and attachments.
Isoclear fixed shift
During multiple drop offloading, it is often hard to maintain product temperature. The norm is to use a PVC fixed air-curtain, but this is prone to damage and cumbersome to use.
The new Isoclear PVC curtain has a 3 piece side shift mechanism. The 3 panels can be moved to either side for access to the load and then simply closed to reduce temperature loss. The Isoclear solution keeps the cool air inside of the vehicle and avoids warm air from entering. This will not only save money, it is also eco-friendly.
Isoclear is made of high quality PVC transparent strips which can easily resist temperatures of -25. The PVC strips have a 50 mm overlap to reduce heat loss.
Cargo Web
The Cargo web is attached to the loadlok rails for securing of uneven loads during transport. Also suitable for improving security by dividing the load. The Cargo web is constructed from heavy duty webbing with an over centre buckle tensioning device which reduces lateral forces on the loadlok rails.